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We adheres to the school’s founding principle of “benevolence” in the hope to provide a quality and caring learning environment for the healthy development of students.
To achieve the above objectives, we have adopted a devlopment approch of unifying discipline and guidance. Therefore, apart from deepening “students’ civic education training”, we actively provide multifarious activities to exploit students’ potential, raise their confidence, increase their sense of responsibility and establish a positive and proactive view of life in them, as well as to encourage them to care for and serve the community.
The contents of the activities include self-identity, handling stress, emotion management, problem-solving skills, social skills, peer guidance, leadership training, life education and character education, etc. To comprehensively increase students’ capability to handle adversities, we invite speakers from various relevant organizations to conduct seminars, workshops and activities, such as “Basic Life Skills Training Programme”, “Emotional Health”, “Cherish Life”, “Anti-smoking; anti-drug use”, “Metamorphosis Programme”, “Life Skills Education Camp”, “S.1 Orientation Scheme”, “Breakthrough Programme”, “Net Entertainment Education”, “Sunshine Student Project”, “Smart Teen Challenge Camp”, “Leadership Training Programme”, “Rehabilitation Pioneer Project”, etc.
[Multiple Intelligence Advancement Project]
[Newly-arrived Children Orientation Activity]
  •  “Basic Life Skills Training Programme” : Basic Life Skills Training of the Adolescent Health Programme (AHP)
  •  “Anti-smoking; anti-drug use”: Anti-smoking; Anti- drug abuse
  •  “Metamorphosis Programme”: Buttergly Plan
  •  “S.1 Orientation Scheme”: S.1 Orientation Programme
“Net Entertainment Education”: Internet Entertainment Education
多元智能躍進計劃 新來港學生適應小組活動

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