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Academic Development Section Committee

We are committed to creating an environment conducive to learning. We have contiuously been collaborating with each key learning area and improving the learning resources of each subject. We also provide a well-equipped learning resources centre for students. To improve students’ academic performance, complimentary remedial classes and subject-specific tutorial support have been provided for each class in the junior forms and for students in senior forms respectively.
We take on the mission to promote reading by way of an extensive reading project —“Journey of Happy Reading” – and to produce a reading record for each student and nurture their good reading habits. We have also set up reading corners at the sitting-out areas and at each classroom. The books are donated by parents, teachers and students. This act of sharing has extended the lives of these books and foster the development of reading atmosphere and encourage students to lead a greener life.
To develop student’s learning attitude, we have organized activities such as cross-disciplinary language activities and subject-knowledge quizzes, with an aim to enhance students’ learning motivation through a variety of activities.
Besides, to cater for the varying needs of students – prodigies, non-Cantonese speaking (NCS) students and students with special educational needs (SEN) – we provide the support necessary for these students to flourish.
Committee Members: Mr Cheung Ming Yiu (Chair), Ms Ngai Wing Yin (Vice-Chair), Ms Ho MeiMei, Mr Li Ho Yin, Ms Ritchie Janice, Mr Law Tin Sung, Mr Lau Nai Hung Raymond and Mr. Nathan Jones
Learning Support Committee Members: Ms Ngai Wing Yin (Coordinator), Mr Law Benjamin Wai Him, Ms Ng Ka Ki, Mr Yu Chung Cheung (Special Educational Support); Mr Li Ho Yin, Mr Ng Leung Wai, Ms Ko Ching Man and Mr Johnny Au (Non-Cantonese Speaking Support)

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